g's random notes #2
My life happenings, random thoughts, projects, stuff I like, etc...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Superhero Halloween
We finished aly's wonderwoman costume last night after jon had gone to bed. Jacob and her posed then did some crime fighting. More to come with the 3 of them on Halloween.
They went upstairs to show their Kuya, and he wanted to get out of bed and become batman.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Mini roadtrip
We're on our way back from Portland now. Jalen's team (the Vikings)won against Idaho state. It was the first volleyball match we were able to attend this year. It's also her senior year so I hope we can attend another match before Christmas.
The drive down was just beautiful. With all the changing leaves and sunny instead of overcast. We played eye spy for the first time with the boys. They were so busy looking out the window that they forgot to fall asleep. 10 minutes after we left the rest stop, Jon says he has to poop. We tried using the cell phone to notify my dad's car that we needed to find the next toilet off the freeway, but no answer. We had to pull along side them and do sign language. Thank god we learned the sign for poop, from meet the parents! Jon spent quite some time in the bathroom in the has station in kalama. When we got out there was a line of senior ladies with impatient looks at us waiting!
We hung out in Portland before the game and had a family day. A belated duo birthday lunch for uncle Ben and dad and time with Jalen, a. Julie and a. Lynne.
It was good times...
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Morning commute song
It was either this or Let's get it started, BEP...
I forgot how good Bobby Brown danced. What happened?
Philip wants to make our Halloween costumes too, but it requires sewing...Should I teach him how to operate the sewing machine?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Superhero capes complete
We had a great day.
-Morning meeting that Jon attended with me, where he behaved like an angel.
-Little Gym classes.
-Catch-up lunch (in the jungle) with good friends and playdate with the kids. Jon and Josh made new friends fast!
-Costume work with mom! Look at those superhero capes!
-Next up: Wonder woman for Aly...
Halloween prep
The other day the boys recieved mail from North Carolina!

It made their day...we sure miss Dani and her sister and her mom and dad!
We attended parent/teacher conference this morning, so I took a day of vacation. We ran some errands that have been waiting to get done for quite awhile and went to B-Town to wish Lola Tessie a Happy Birthday.
I brought along the Halloween costumes to sew up. I've finished the sweatshirts!

The Batman edges are a bit messy, but it gives it a homemade look, which I think is cute. My favorite is the Superman, I think because I like the colors and the royal blue looks great on Jacob's dark complexion.
Lola Jane is working on the capes and I'll work on the other set of emblems for them. I think they are going to be just so adorable.
Philip came home from Arnis class with a big ol helmet to protect his 'ol hard head.

The boys tried it on too. Notice when Jacob had it on, his Kuya just couldn't resist.

I should have tried on too, I guess, but I was busy watching Grey's Anatomy and making felt superhero emblems.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Another weekend update
I dreamt of my grandparents the other night. We were in their house and lola told me to shower the kids in their bathroom. It was pretty random but comforting. i always feel like the person I've dreamt about has stopped by for a visit. And because the kids were in the dream, they're watching over us.
We had a good weekend. Party hopped on Saturday. Got to see lots of people we haven't seen in years. Philip got to talk shop with the fellow eskrimadors. It took us awhile to say goodbye and get back home.
Aly spent the night. She slept between us and I thought that she was hugging me and cuddling, but she had her leg drapped across my neck. She used Philip as a pillow and she rubbed her feet on my cheek. In the morning, she awoke and saw her kuyas and said,"wow!" and smiled.
We attended mass in the morning and had lunch with dad. Later, I attended a kindergarten mom's dinner. Got to schmooze with the other mothers. I was feeling just a bit young, since they were talking about their friends who got pregnant at 47. Some of the mothers were a bit shocked when their children came home doing sign of the cross and prayers. Afterall, it is a catholic school....
Jonny has a magazine sale right now so some people might get hit up to consider purchase of stuff. Thanks for helping us out, but no pressure if you feel like you don't need anymore stuff. This is my feeling, but anything to keep tuition low...
Something I ate for lunch seriously did not agree with me and I've spent the whole evening trying to settle my stomache. It is pretty yuck!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Random stuff
I made Salsa at work yesterday and handled jalepenos. Today when I put on my contact lenses, oh boy! burn!
I'm enjoying our new routine...and am feeling accomplished...
Here's the them song for the week
I got a flyer in the mail for something so cool. I'm thinking Christmas presents for the entire family!
Jayme broke out her purple and yellow intarsia mittens for the cold today. I knit those 10 years ago and they are still sooooo pretty. I should make myself some...Where is the pattern???
We have lots of laundry to fold...I feel like I have clothes coming out of my ears! At least the side of my bed is cleared of the laundry basket. I don't trip over it when I get up in the morning anymore!
I wish I could knit baby blankets in 1 hour. But, I don't even sit in front of the TV for 1 hour anymore...
Morning workouts are going good this week! Perhaps a morning swim tomorrow, but definitely on Saturday!
I also feel like we have Arnis sticks, practice sticks, practice knives everywhere I look. I even have a pair in my car! I guess just in case I need to puk puk someone in defense. I guess I should learn how to use them though.
I made a killer split pea soup with smoked ham hocks on Tuesday night. Philip ate all the meat out of it and even sucked all the marrow and slurped eat spoonful(he was a noisy eater that night. The bowl I was served, had no marrow...Hey!
Ok, coffee is ready!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Weekend update
I'm finding a little room to breath now...
On Friday, Philip, the boyz and I spent the evening @ the mall. This is a pretty rare occurance for us. It was much needed. Jonny's new school shoes that were purchased only 2 months back, already had holes in them. Good 'ol Nordstom took them back and exchanged them for some more rugged shoes. Jacob also got new shoes since both the kids have grown a size since we were there a month ago...growing boyz...goodness gracious.
I also was in dire need of some new bras. (embarassing to say...here but what the heck, it's a fact of life...) After 2 pregnancies, 2 nursing sessions, weight gain, weight loss, I needed to be fitted again. The fitting specialist made it so easy for me and I'm in some comfortable undergarments and the girls are looking good again. If you haven't gotten fitted in over a year, do so and buy some new bras also.
On Saturday, I awoke early and couldn't go back to sleep(don't you hate that!), I decided to get up and go workout while everyone else slept. Got to workout place and it was closed still, since I never work out on Saturdays, I didn't know the hours. So I ended up going for a swim at the public pool. It was so nice!
When I arrived at home we did our usual Saturday morning little gym classes and later that afternoon we attended a bouncy birthday party.
The picture is from later Sat. evening when the boyz went to Aly's house for a sleepover. Aly and Jacob looked so cute in their PJ's vegged out on the beanbag...
Philip and I got to go out for drinks and sushi and flashbacks to middle and high school. Since Arleh was at 'Ohana DJ'ing.
Sunday morning we got the boyz, and I taught Sunday school. The new curriculum this year is sooo good. The kids and us teachers had fun. Lunch at Kona Kitchen, then nap at home
We attended to APIWomen's Safety Center fundraising auction in the evening. We didn't win any bids on anything....
fun weekend, with enough time to relax also...