Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another weekend update

I dreamt of my grandparents the other night. We were in their house and lola told me to shower the kids in their bathroom. It was pretty random but comforting. i always feel like the person I've dreamt about has stopped by for a visit. And because the kids were in the dream, they're watching over us.

We had a good weekend. Party hopped on Saturday. Got to see lots of people we haven't seen in years. Philip got to talk shop with the fellow eskrimadors. It took us awhile to say goodbye and get back home.
Aly spent the night. She slept between us and I thought that she was hugging me and cuddling, but she had her leg drapped across my neck. She used Philip as a pillow and she rubbed her feet on my cheek. In the morning, she awoke and saw her kuyas and said,"wow!" and smiled.
We attended mass in the morning and had lunch with dad. Later, I attended a kindergarten mom's dinner. Got to schmooze with the other mothers. I was feeling just a bit young, since they were talking about their friends who got pregnant at 47. Some of the mothers were a bit shocked when their children came home doing sign of the cross and prayers. Afterall, it is a catholic school....
Jonny has a magazine sale right now so some people might get hit up to consider purchase of stuff. Thanks for helping us out, but no pressure if you feel like you don't need anymore stuff. This is my feeling, but anything to keep tuition low...
Something I ate for lunch seriously did not agree with me and I've spent the whole evening trying to settle my stomache. It is pretty yuck!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


At 12:26 AM, Blogger la fleur said...

hey gian! good seeing you and the fams! the boys are growin' fast. hope to see you all soon again.


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