g's random notes #2
My life happenings, random thoughts, projects, stuff I like, etc...
Monday, November 16, 2009
- Projects here and there, but since Jacob was born not much time for knitting...
- Grey's Anatomy All seasons on DVD
- Miami Ink
- HGTV Craft shows
- Netflix movies
Daily Blogs
Daily Crafty Blogs & Cool stuff
Friend's Blogs
Previous Posts
- Defying GravitySo Glee is my new vice...in terms o...
- Yes, we had a lovely Summer!Been a long time since...
- Just had to post this...RIP MichaelLisa Marie Pres...
- Been a long time..I've been a facebook junkie and ...
- Happy Easter!
- Daily blog readsSo one of my "daily" blog reads is...
- Weekend updateWe had a very full and fun weekend. ...
- Another good videoInventing cure for cancer and al...
- Please watch...You can't hideHere's another oneBar...
- Feeling good, but still multitaskingWe had a prett...
Hollywood Movie In Hindi
Hollywood Movie In Hindi
شركة مكافحة الحمام بالدمام تقدم لك الحل , فإذا كنت تعاني عزيزي القارئ من مشكلة اعشاش الحمام فوق بيتك او منزلك , اذا كانت دائماً تتجمع علي أسطح
thai porn
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