Monday, November 27, 2006

They are Wed!

Originally uploaded by jayme mpfel.
So...It was a loooong weekend full of family, love and thanksgiving.
I'm glad they're married and can start their life together.

Happy times...

My brother is Arlette's husband!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm at Work! Look at the time stamp.
My husband loves me...he didn't want me to drive here by myself, so he's outside the building, sleeping in the car.

The one night the kids stay over at Mom&Dad's, I work and we stay up all night long...


T minus 7 days and counting...
I can't believe my brother is gonna be someone's husband...

Monday, November 13, 2006

OK...These are pretty cool
found via kottke

Hyperactive - Lasse Gjertsen

Amateur - Lasse Gjertsen

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My Sharks!

Originally uploaded by jayme mpfel.
I'm so glad my sister uploads her pics. I need to talk to my husband, so he can give me a lesson on how to download pics and where he stores things on our computer. It's one of those things...He configured our home PC, so I'm not familiar with the apps, nor the files. I need a lesson!

Originally uploaded by jayme mpfel

Originally uploaded by jayme mpfel.