P.S. baby boy Makoa joined the world on Monday. Can't wait to meet him!
g's random notes #2
My life happenings, random thoughts, projects, stuff I like, etc...
Thursday, February 14, 2008

(come on click it...you'll learn something new!)
Came home late last night from a last minute business trip to the LBC.
Got to know my Beverly Hills/Hollywood cousin again. We had a great chat over dinner on Tuesday. Good thing he came out to see me, because they were telling me at work that the neighborhood isn't the greatest at night.
I usually work from home on Thursdays, but today, I'm in the virtual hoteling center. There is a dead smell in our house and I don't want to go back. We're sure something(probably a RAT) died inside the walls. The smell is just unbearable to me, so hopefully my husband will do some searching tonight to find the remains. It would be a really great Valentine's day present!
Did you know that today is a milestone? Me and husband have been romantic for 15 years. How corny is it to ask me "OUT" on V day? It was sweet at the time. He waited till midnight and then said, "Will you go OUT with me?". I replied, "I thought we already are?" (because we technically were OUT on a date). He said, "Not officially..." Isn't that gaggingly cute??? And the rest is history.
I brought the boys back LBC T-shirts and I actually found a Long Beach magnet. I was sad last time when I couldn't find an El Segundo magnet. They should have had one that was shaped like a wallet with El Segundo printed on it. Does anyone know how to get in touch with the El Segundo Visitor's center?, because I think my idea is brilliant.
e-kisses to all who know I love them...
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Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Jacob has had croup since the weekend. He coughes like a seal and Jonny laughs at it.
He's finally starting to get better. We'll see if anyone else gets it.
Since we need to monitor Jacob during the night, he's been in bed with us, thus Jonny joins us also sometime in the night and it's too hot and too crowded....
If this doesn't stop soon, I'm just gonna go sleep in Jon's bed by myself...
Today is Fat Tuesday, so go out and eat a banana split!