Great Weekend RecapWe had a bachelorette celebration for Amie, which was fun to prepare, but made me pretty busy. It was soooo worth it because it was so much fun. We spent the night downtown, had a spa party, then nice dinner, then hotel party. It was great being with my oldest and closest friends.(and my sister...)
Happy Wedding Amie! I lub U!
On Sunday, to recover from my hangover, we visited Bren's house. The boy's got to swim and play. I even took advantage of the empty pool and occupied kids. I swam laps until it got too dark to see underwater. It felt so nice. We stayed into the night and let the kids play and let the guys smoke cigars.
On Monday we ventured out to Bumbershoot with the boys. Joss Stone and John Legend were wonderful. We didn't stay for Wu Tang, since I don't think the language would be appropriate for the kids, but we caught some of Lupe Fiasco...(I kinda just liked his kick, push song though). Prices are high these days, so 1 day is good enough.
I'm tired today, but looking forward to the upcoming weeks.
Jon will be in school
I have to go dress shopping for the wedding
Work has been busy, but enjoyable
Jayme's starting her last quarter and studying for Grad school
Arlette got some job prospects, so Alyjana will be at mom's more and won't cry because I'm not her mommy
We'll sign the kids up for Swimming lessons
Philip is going to Cantor at Church
I'm gonna teach Sunday School
Jon will go to Sunday School
The Pendon's will move to their brand new house
Pretty soon it will be Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas.
lots and lots of stuff to fill our life with.