Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Long time no update...

All I can say is BUSY...
-Jon started swimming lessons last week. Pretty important skill and pretty fun for him. He told the swimming teacher that his name is "JP"
-Jacob is going to celebrate a birthday soon...He's already started the terrible twos, but is always a sweet boy anyway, even when he's headbutting and slapping me in the face.
-We're turning into a Greenies at our house...and thinking about Christmas gifts..Here's a link to, TreeHugger Holiday Gift Guide and to Waste Free Holidays
-We took Jon to see the Nutcracker this past weekend. He was totatlly captivated with it and said "That was great!". He wondered how the snow was falling on the stage...
-We're all looking forward to Christmas break. We're going to vacation in Seattle! 3 more weeks!
-Advent activities are in full bloom. We've become master parol makers. The boys and I visited Uncle Al from church and he showed us his workspace, his jigs, and his technique. Best Parol material so far...Drinking straws, staples and string!!!