Weekend Update
The weekend was fun and pretty great.

On Friday, I had to fight traffic so that we could make it on time for trick or treating at U Village. The event was only from 4pm to 6pm. So when we arrived at 5:30'ish it was winding down. It's always so sad to see parents and kids arrive at 7pm and no more candy.... Next year I think 5pm would be ideal, since I heard it was absolute kaos at 4pm. Philip wore his costume most of the time. I tried to wear mine but it was too hot and I couldn't see or hold on to the kids.
Everyone kept saying, "Hi Cookie Monster!" to Philip. He kept correcting them and saying , "I'm a YipYip...."
We went trick or treating door 2 door on my parents's street to only 4 houses. Just enough for the little ones. And mom made us some pasta. It was a little hard to transition to our next event, but we did.
We attended Lisa's Halloween party and visited with Abriana and Bren. It was pretty fun, and Jacob ended up falling asleep on the couch...The costume prize goes to Edgar for his YouTube, Mullet, Rocker costume, which was sooo detailed. Edgar is so creative!
On Saturday, we rolled out of bed for the Little Gym classes, then picked up Aly from her house. She was so excited to come along with us without her mom and dad. She said, "Hi boys!" when she got into the car. We practiced going around with 3 kids in tow...We ended up just having a dim sum lunch, since they looked like they all needed a nap after. When Aly awoke from her nap, she was looking around for her mom and dad, pretty upset.
We traded babysitting with the Uncle and Auntie, and Philip and I finally got to go on a date. A nice dinner at Pink Door turned into, dinner, plus drinks, plus dessert, plus burlesque show. It was pretty fun.
We also rolled out of bed on Sunday(luckily we had our extra hour from daylight savings) and Phil was my assistant at Sunday school. We had lunch and then napped way too long the rest of the day. We cooked a nice Pasta meal and I caught up with the DVR...Stayed up too late.
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