Long time no update
We've been busy with life and it's been good and at times wonderful.
We took an extended springbreak in Hawaii. Fran's wedding brought us there and it was absolutely beautiful. What can I saw, boatride to the beach, beach ceremony with lots of love and happy crying, cocktails on the landing with a live band, Tahitian dancers, a contoursion ist(amazing), Li Hing Mui Margaritas (yum), reception in a tent underneath the biggest full moon of the year, Entourage and newlyweds did Thriller dance(awesome!). Congrats to Fran and her husband Shannon, it was a really great time and we're glad your brought us to Hawaii.
We celebrated Easter at St Augustine @ Waikiki, had huge pancakes at Mac 24-7, and spent the day at Alamoana Park with great friends.
A couple days later Gab, Djan and the girls joined us. Over a couple days we had great tourist fun. Dolphins at sea life park, PCC (with the Maori Warriors!), The pineapple train and lots of playing at the beach. I even saw a sea turtle surface for a breath right in front of my face.

It was great times.
It's been hard to be back, especially catching up with work and adjusting to the cold. (I really hate wearing shoes!)
Mom, Dad, and Jayme are coming back from Philippines this week and we've been managing with childcare. Thanks to Auntie Mimi, Aly's Lolalette, and Junne to help us fill in the gaps of days off.
Saturdays nice weather was such a treat. I hope it starts warming up, so we can enjoy our home and not yearn for hawaii so much.
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