Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Growing up
So, we had Jonny's B-day party at the Little Gym. All the kids played very hard and seemed like they had lots of fun. Hopefully they all slept good thay night.

Jonny also started Pre-K on Monday. The teacher said she had concerns since the other kids are older and already "trained", but she was willing to give it a try with Jonny. For those of you who know him, a good way to describe him is vibrant and energetic. It would not bother Jonny, if he's different from the other kids, because he is who he is...
Seems to me, the teacher is concerned, because now it makes her job a little harder, because she has to teach Jonny also. We'll see what happens. He's only going 3 days a week for the rest of the school year, so hopefully he improves everyday.

Funny thing, She mentioned to me on her update after Jonny's first day, thatit was a bit rough, because they had to guide him alot (duh! it was his first day afterall)and the only other thing was that he resorted to baby talk, when he asked to have his shoe tied.(jumping up and down and pointing "uh! uh! uh!", you know the deal....)
I relayed this to my mom..."Let's just get him some shoes that don't have to be tied then." Right on Mom! Beat the MAN!

I'm growing up too! I'm taking a day of vacation tomorrow to celebrate my birthday. I've scheduled myself for a massage and a salon visit...Yay!!!

Interesting stuff...
-I'm so sad about the Virginia Tech shootings. It's a reminder of the sign of the times. So much needless death in the world right now. War and murder. Pray for the people of the world.
Names of Victims at Virginia tech
Faces of the fallen: Iraq and Afghanistan Casualties
Remember also all the civilian victims of war throughout the world...

-Oprah has done a series of shows in response to Racial slurs from Imus. Yesterday's show was about sexist content in the majority of Rap and what the HipHop community is gonna do about it. Hip Hop Town Hall: Stop it! with the Ho's and Bitches

-Jayme was mentioning to me yesterday that she wants to find an alternative caffine/energy source, since the latte's have so many calories...
I picked up a "Nutrition by the cup" brochure at Starbucks today.
Lowest calorie drink: Tazo Tea = 0 calories
Highest calorie drink: Venti Strawberries & Creme Frappucino(w/out whip) = 620

Lowest calorie coffee drink: Tall Brewed Coffee = 5 calories
Highest calorie coffee drink: Venti White Chocolate Mocha(w/out whip) = 530 calories

Starbucks Nutritional Fact sheet


At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey good things to know. i just bought a venti zen green tea at starbucks. HAPPY BITHDAY!!!


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