Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Children are precious creatures
So my escape from work is time with my children. JonP and Jacob are my freetime, hobby and funtime.

Jakey has been into tasting things lately. Recently, he came to me with this really digusted look on his face...He had tasted a dandilion that his kuya had picked from the yard and brought into the house.
This weekend while visiting Auntie Junne's house, he interrupted our chitchat, with another disgusting look and wiping of the tongue...He decided to taste the cinnamin air freshner Junne had. Junne tasted it too just to make sure, and it was hot and bitter.

Poison Control line is our friend.

Jonny's birthday is coming up this week and he knows it too! He usually asks his Papoe for a present because he was successful using the toilet. Yesterday, he asked Popoe for a present and his birthday is coming.

The boys have also discovered that when you say "HI!" and "Bye!" to people, you get smiles and "HI!" and "Bye!" back at 'cha. We were making lots of friends everywhere we went yesterday.

Philip is going through with his colon cleansing....So far so good. I told him, if he looses 10-20 lbs, I'm on that program too!


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