Random stuff

Philip and I played a game of scrabble Friday night. It was alot of fun. I know that some of our words would not really be accepted in tournament style scrabble....

Bad camera phone Photo of Jonny @ Tae Kwon Do. He's getting better at his listening. But somedays he's just in LA La Land.

We were invited to Mercer Island on Saturday and watched the Blue Angels on the I90 bridge. They were very, very cool. The camera phone pictures don't really give the experience justice...We have to get our camera fixed.
I went to lap swim last night and it felt absolutely wonderful. I felt like a fish! Hopefully, I can motivate myself and get our schedule figured out to keep going to lapswim and go back to curves. Philip started Arnis class down at the Filipino Community Center. He's been really enjoying himself.
School starts in about 2 weeks. I haven't even gone shopping for uniform clothes yet.
hi g was just thinking about you. I miss you and hope everybody is doing good! love amie
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