Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'm enjoying my new library card and the Northgate Public Library.

I just finished reading Why Girls are Wierd and found the author's blog. It was a pretty funny book.

It's good to be reading again. Do you have any book suggestions for me?
Did you know that Seattle Public Library is all online? It's similar to my netflix, but absolutely free!

I can search for a book, put a hold on it, and when it's available they e-mail me and I pick it up at the Library. What's also cool is when you check all your books out, it's all computerized. You scan your library card and stack your books on this tray and it just checks you all out. (jayme, don't make fun of me because of this post...)

Jacob was teething and sick this weekend. He would complain of pain and puke 10 minutes after we fed him solid food, (It was also coming out the other end). On Sunday, we brought him into urgent care where they had to give him an IV to treat his dehydration. JonP got to sleep at Lola's, but his Lola called me in the morning and said that she was sick too. Jakey and his Lola are doing better today...I just pray that nobody else catches it. It's a stomach virus with no fever...

Good Parent stuff I learned this weekend:
Teething can cause diarrhea and low grade fever
Ice Cubes wrapped in a facecloth with a rubberband to keep them in, is a great teether.
Signs of dehyrdration: Dry mouth(stick your fingers in and feel the tongue), not too many tears when crying(pinch him and watch him cry), floppyness(jakey would get up to crawl and then just flop back down.

Well, now I know, for next time....


At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we used to walk to the library (downtown) from uwaji's and stay there for hours at a time. seattle has a GREAT system set up. I was able to save at least three books via the internet!


At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps: sorry to hear that the fam is sick :(


At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...




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