g's random notes #2
My life happenings, random thoughts, projects, stuff I like, etc...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
- Projects here and there, but since Jacob was born not much time for knitting...
- Grey's Anatomy All seasons on DVD
- Miami Ink
- HGTV Craft shows
- Netflix movies
Daily Blogs
Daily Crafty Blogs & Cool stuff
Friend's Blogs
Previous Posts
- Great Birthday Weekend!Other than, working regular...
- 32 Years YoungI worked 4 hours overtime on Tuesday...
- Belated Happy EasterWe had a small family gatherin...
- Escaping Overtimefeels great! It wasn't great tim...
- Getting wellJacob passed his sickness on to his ku...
- IMG_0558
- Here's my first post in this #2 blog...I'm sad tha...
- He has his own website! My mom was telling me abo...
- Oh lookie what new toy is available on the web: D...
- cool link of the day: virtual bubble wrap for tho...
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